Faisal Al Monai: Convergence of AI and Blockchain Is a Solution to Data Integrity Issues in AI Model Training

文章来源: bitcoin.com

Al Monai, who works to drive Web3 adoption in Saudi Arabia, asserts that governments also acknowledge how the inherent features of blockchain, such as immutability and decentralization, align with their desire to balance innovation and security. To support this assertion, Al Monai points to recent partnerships announced by Saudi Arabian oil giant Aramco around transformative technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI).

Meanwhile, Al Monai also told Bitcoin.com News that transformer AI models can “automate the creation of optimized, metaverse-ready 3D models and environments.” The use of such models, he said, significantly reduces the resources required to create immersive environments and experiences. With these models, the process of “creating a metaverse will become as simple as building a website using platforms like Wix today.”

Still, the Droppgroup co-founder nevertheless acknowledged that the lack of integrity in data used to train AI models could lead to problems. To overcome this challenge, the co-founder said companies training AI models can still overcome this problem by “leveraging the immutable and decentralized nature of blockchain ecosystems.” This, he said, ensures “provenance, security and traceability of data used in AI systems.”

Elsewhere in his answers, Al Monai also shared his thoughts about the future of Web3 and the risks associated with integrating AI with the blockchain. Below are Al Monai’s answers to all the questions sent.

Faisal Al Monai (FM): We are at a pivotal moment where the region, led by Saudi Arabia, is leading the drive towards digital transformation. Progress must also be tempered with security and the adoption of blockchain technology underscores the understanding that the adoption of cutting-edge technology comes with enormous responsibility. Regional governments are approaching the opportunity with cautious optimism. Given the importance and sensitivity at hand, they are using only best-in-industry advisors and implementers.

MENA is experiencing rapid adoption of Web3 technologies, particularly blockchain and cryptocurrencies, driven by several key factors. First, governments, especially Saudi Arabia and UAE, are actively promoting digital transformation in their strategic future visions. This commitment to embracing cutting-edge technologies creates a favorable environment for the growth of Web3 solutions overall.

Moreover, governments recognize the importance of balancing innovation with security. Blockchain’s inherent security features, such as immutability and decentralization, align well with this vision. By leveraging blockchain, governments can ensure the integrity and transparency of various processes, including financial transactions, supply chain management and even the implementation of AI into government infrastructure.

A good example is how Saudi Aramco has recently made major strides with partnerships around transformative technologies such as blockchain, AI/ML and XR. I believe the convergence of these technologies best encompasses the term Web3. These alliances demonstrate the willingness of major players in the region to adopt Web3 technologies to enhance efficiency and security.

FM: The convergence of Generative AI and Web3 technologies is poised to revolutionize the creation of immersive metaverse experiences, increasing accessibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Transformer models can automate the creation of optimized, metaverse-ready 3D models and environments, significantly reducing the time, resources and cost required.

Creating a website in the 90s was very expensive and time-consuming. However, as technology advanced so did the amount of sites created and utilized. Now, as Web3 technologies further develop, we will see a similar j-curve in the metaverse space. In the next 12-18 months creating a metaverse will become as simple as building a website using platforms like Wix today. This will democratize metaverse creation, allowing businesses, creators and communities to develop their own “Microverses” – themed digital spaces that cater to specific interests and audiences.

FM: The convergence of AI and blockchain presents a groundbreaking solution to the critical issue of data integrity in AI model training and deployment. By leveraging the immutable and decentralized nature of blockchain ecosystems, companies can ensure the provenance, security, and traceability of data used in AI systems.

For instance, tokenizing each data element and implementing smart contracts across diverse blockchain ecosystems enables the creation of an auditable trail from input to AI-generated output. This not only upholds ethical AI practices but also enhances transparency and equity in AI development.

Companies like Dropp and others such as Fetch.ai, Ocean Protocol and SingularityNET are pioneering the integration of AI and blockchain to create solutions around the scaling issues the AI industry faces today. These platforms demonstrate the effectiveness and potential for widespread adoption of AI solutions that prioritize data integrity.

Imagine a future where AI models are trained on verifiably authentic, diverse datasets and intellectual property rights are securely managed through on-chain mechanisms. IP owners could offer their assets for AI training in exchange for predetermined compensation via smart contracts, generating a thriving ecosystem of data integrity.

FM: Culture Universe (CU), is a groundbreaking initiative aligned with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. This metaverse aims to protect, store and make Saudi Arabia’s rich cultural heritage accessible to everyone globally through engaging technological experiences. The CU serves as a platform for hosting live events, local, national and international gatherings, mini-games/quests and a 4-dimensional non-fungible tokens (NFT) marketplace of artisanal phygital (digital and physical) goods.

At the core of CU is Droppgroup’s proprietary AI system, Generative Media Intelligence (GMI), which powers droppPhygital (DP). This innovative technology allows the government to build and deploy experiences ranging from Microverses to Extended Reality without a dedicated gaming studio. By leveraging their existing technical resources and dP, the government and other stakeholders can create accurate 3D models of artefact, art and cultural items with minimal effort.

The approval process for deploying an artefact into CU involves the Heritage Commission inspecting the 3D models for accuracy. Traditional human modelling often results in imperfections and a time-consuming back-and-forth process. With DP, the government only needs to provide iPhone images or footage from various angles and the AI system generates the exact item desired with true likeness and dimensions. This speed to market and less resource-intensive approach has made dP an essential component for the CU and its future scaling.

Regarding pay-as-go pricing, Droppgroup offers two versions of Dropp Phygital: Enterprise and Entrepreneur. The enterprise license is a more traditional SaaS model with custom pricing based on the client’s requirements. This license is used by major entities such as Saudi Aramco, the Qatar Government and FIFA for World Cup 2022, Paramount Group and more.

The entrepreneur license, meanwhile, is designed for SMEs, DTC brands, independent artists and content creators. Instead of charging a fixed monthly fee like other Gen AI platforms, droppGroup’s pay-as-you-go model makes the technology highly accessible. Users can pay using fiat currency or droppGroup’s native token, droppCoin. droppCoin offers additional community incentives and access to the latest functions and features. In our extensive testing, our persona made a 48% savings compared to other Gen AI platforms through this pricing model.

Our collaboration with Oracle is centred around the Hyperledger Fabric 2.5 (HLF 2.5) instance for tokenization purposes across Saudi Arabia. This integration ensures security, scalability and transactional transparency within our enterprise business, including CU. This collaboration demonstrates blockchain technology’s potential to support large-scale projects in KSA and MENA while maintaining the integrity of underlying assets and experiences.

FM: Web3 is much more than just blockchain; it’s the convergence of powerful technologies including AI, ML and XR that are forming the backbone of Web3 applications. AI enhances decentralized systems with intelligent automation, personalized experiences and secure data management. ML enables Web3 platforms to adapt and optimize based on user interactions and network dynamics. XR immerses users in decentralized virtual experiences, enabling new forms of interaction and value creation.

The synergy of these technologies is unlocking unprecedented innovation, efficiency and user empowerment across sectors like finance, gaming and commerce. The future of Web3 lies in the seamless integration of these transformative technologies, ushering in a new era of decentralized, intelligent and immersive digital experiences.

FM: As AI and other Web3 technologies mature and intertwine, developers and users must be vigilant against potential risks. These are outweighed, however, by the benefits of harnessing blockchain technology to inject transparency and integrity into AI development and deployment which protect stakeholders and enable wider adoption.

AI is still in its early stages and blockchain has yet to find its killer app beyond cryptocurrencies. This presents an opportunity for these technologies to be harnessed in tandem to create a safer and more accountable digital landscape.

In order to mitigate the risk, and prevent excessive government intervention, the Web3 community must proactively develop technology-driven solutions that prioritize integrity and efficiency. By doing so, we can unlock the transformative combined potential of AI and Web3 while safeguarding against pitfalls.
