#Web3 #blockchain #BTC 这两天看了很多不同赛道的项目

11 days ago
Article Source: LiamWang

#Web3 #blockchain #BTC 这两天看了很多不同赛道的项目,发现区块链里重复造轮子的事情太多了。举个简单的例子,以太坊上有借贷的协议,其他公链上也要做一个自己的借贷协议。这个逻辑在一个所谓的去中心化和代币化的世界里没毛病,毕竟每条区块链都要有自己的生态才能彰显去中心化精神,同样也需要有各种各样的代币才能使得生态繁荣和活跃。但这种弊端显而易见,很多的创新不是站在比竞争对手要做的好的基础上,而是把资源花在了重复建设上。从这个角度来说,区块链的从业者们应该做更多的工作提升人力、资本等资源利用效率。

Recently, I've learned projects in many different sectors and found that there is too much repeated construction happening in the blockchain area. To give a simple example, if there is a lending protocol on Ethereum, other blockchains also need to create their own lending protocols.

This logic makes sense in a so-called decentralized and tokenized world, after all, every blockchain needs its own ecosystem to embody the spirit of decentralization. What’s more, they need all kinds of tokens to allow the ecosystem to thrive and stay active.

But the downside of this is obvious - a lot of innovation is not about doing better than competitors, but rather wasting resources on rebuilding the same things.

From this perspective, Blockchain practitioners should do more things to improve efficiency - human, capital or other resources.



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