TRUMP and BODEN Coins Soar Following Trump’s Crypto Endorsement and Critique of Biden


At his Wednesday gala event with his non-fungible token (NFT) enthusiasts, Donald Trump voiced strong opinions on cryptocurrency. He informed the attendees that Joe Biden lacks an understanding of crypto, adding that those who support crypto should cast their vote for Trump. Since then, the meme coins associated with these politicians have jumped significantly in value against the U.S. dollar.

The crypto token known as maga (TRUMP) climbed 35.6% in the last 24 hours, currently trading at $5.75 per coin. Notably, Trump received a donation of 579,290 TRUMP tokens to his crypto wallet, now valued at $3.33 million. To date, Trump has retained all of his TRUMP tokens.

Following the release of maga (TRUMP), the geo (BODEN) token was introduced last March and has appreciated by 16.6% over the past day. When questioned about the BODEN coin at the NFT Gala, Trump expressed his disapproval of it. As of 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on May 9, 2024, BODEN is priced at $0.357 per coin.


