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May 1
【FXHedge】 HOW MUCH DO AMERICANS THINK THEY NEED TO RETIRE COMFORTABLY? (Money Digest) Between inflation, stock market volatility, and mounting credit card debt (the United States hit a record-breaking 1.13 trillion in credit card debt in late 2023), the idea of saving for retirement might feel like a problem for another day. In fact, according to a September 2023 Bankrate survey, 22% of Americans reported that they hadn't contributed to their retirement savings in the year prior. Mark Hamrick, a Bankrate senior economic analyst, said, "Amid the tumultuous developments of the past several years, including a short but severe recession and a period of high and sustained inflation, a majority of Americans say they're not where they need to be to achieve their retirement savings goals." This not only adds additional financial stress to those who feel like they aren't making progress, but it can be especially harmful for those nearing retirement age. Full article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/personalfinance/how-much-do-americans-think-they-need-to-retire-comfortably/ar-BB1ldre8?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=453b135f009e497ede75603f65fd4f94&ei=53

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